Paging space, or swap space, is a type of logical volume that serves as a staging area for processes that are not using active random-access memory ( RAM). 分页空间(或交换空间)是一种逻辑卷,用来存储不使用随机存取存储器(RAM)进程的临时区域。
For example, let's say that one area of memory is currently in swap space while another one is in memory. 例如,假设一个内存区当前在交换空间中,而另一个在内存中。
By reducing the tendency to swap out, the cache will be reduced and more apps are likely to stay in memory. 通过降低交换出去的可能性,缓存可能减少,这样就可以在内存中保留更多应用程序。
You've also seen how you can permanently add swap to your configuration and how to add swap in an emergency when you run out of memory. 您还看到了如何向您的配置永久地添加交换空间,以及如何在内存不足时紧急添加交换空间。
For performance reasons or when diagnosing a problem that you suspect might be swap space related, you often need a more interactive view of the memory and paging usage. 出于性能的考虑,或者在诊断您怀疑可能与交换空间有关的问题时,您通常需要内存和分页使用情况的更加交互式的视图。
With current memory prices, swap space represents a very slow secondary memory. 考虑到目前内存的价格,交换空间是一种非常缓慢的辅助存储器。
Some only use swap space when the physical memory has already been used. 有些变体仅在已经使用完物理内存时才使用交换空间。
The OS can move data held in physical memory to and from a swap area when it isn't being used, to make the best use of physical memory. 操作系统可以将物理内存中的数据移动到未使用的交换区,以便于最充分地利用物理内存。
Answer: If you want your applications to perform, the application server instance's JVM should not swap out of physical memory. 答:如果希望应用程序正常执行,则不应该将应用服务器实例的JVM换出物理内存中。
The command displays the total amount of free, used physical, and swap memory in the system, as well as the buffers used by the kernel. 该命令显示系统中的空闲内存、已使用的物理内存和交换内存的总量,以及内核所使用的缓冲区。
A large swap space is also advisable for a system with very small memory. 建议为内存极小的系统使用较大的交换空间。
However, in AIX, the/ tmp file system is not the same thing as swap or virtual memory. 尽管如此,在AIX中,/tmp文件系统和交换或虚拟内存不是一回事。
Another performance issue for low-traffic websites is that GAE swaps inactive JVMs out of memory to optimize for high-traffic web applications on the system. 低流量网站的另一个问题是GAE将无效(inactive)JVM换出(swap)内存,以便在系统中优化高流量web应用程序。
Ideally, the memory manager can swap processes fast enough that some processes will be in memory, ready to execute, when the CPU scheduler wants to reschedule the CPU. 理论上,内存管理器能足够快速的交换一些已在内存中的过程,当调度器要重新规划CPU时,准备执行。
But the moment swap returns, the moment we hit this bottom most curly brace, what conceptually happens in memory? 但是swap返回时,当我们抵达花括号底端是,在内存中发生了什么?
Now if you call a function, swap like increment or cube or swap, or in this case, foo, those variables are the parameters to that function, end up getting stored next in memory. 现在如果你调用一个函数,像increment或者cube或者,或者在这个例子里,foo,这些变量都是,函数的参数,在内存中存储。
Now finally swap has the ability, the power, to modify memory that isn't his own, that's not in his own scope because we've passed it in by address. 最终swap有能力,来修改不属于它的内存,不在它的作用域中,因为我们是通过地址传递的。
The perceived heavier use of swap is balanced by the more efficient use of main memory. 这大量使用交换空间会因内存使用的更加有效而得到平衡。
We evaluate the impact of traditional disk swap device and the remote memory paging system for cluster system by configuration simulation with various parameters and analyses the impact of different network bandwidth and application environment for remote memory paging system. 通过设置不同的模型参数,评价了传统磁盘交换设备和远程存储分页系统对集群系统性能的影响;分析了不同的网络带宽和不同的应用环境等因素对远程存储分页系统的影响。
Meanwhile, these systems are all equipped with swap systems to expand their memory in order to increase the degree of parallel execution and workload at the cost of its performance to some extent. 而在这些操作系统中,几乎无一例外地都使用了交换系统,以牺牲一定性能的代价来扩展内存空间容量,增加系统的并行执行度和吞吐量。